The Power of the Mind-Body Connection

We offer you a unique and powerful way to heal, transform, and thrive. Whether you seek relief from physical ailments, emotional blockages, or the desire to unlock your full potential, we're here to help you live a life filled with vitality, resilience, and joy.

"Within a couple of hours my migraine was completely gone!"

Susan N

Our Holistic Approach Gets Results

We harness the synergistic forces of Movement, Sensations, Emotions, and Thought to guide you on a path to complete well-being.

Somatic Education, Sound Frequency Therapy, Acupoint Therapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), and Thought Field Therapy (TFT) are proven methods to help with:

Stress Management

Increase Energy

Hormonal Imbalances

Chronic Pain

Mental Health

Weight Management

Digestive Health

Immune System Support

Allergies and Sensitivities

Skin Health

Emotional Healing/Regulation

Self-Care and Self-Love

Spiritual Growth

"After being up all night with a dry cough, I went to Jen Higgins congested, exhausted and with an ear ache to boot. With one treatment, I was able to get much needed sleep the whole night. I’m still coughing a bit during the day but it’s productive and I feel I’ve turned a corner and am on the mend…without having to take antibiotics for bronchitis."

Susan K

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Get Started

Getting started with our services is easy and flexible to accommodate your needs. We offer two main options to choose from: multi-session packages for a structured approach and greater accountability to getting the results you're seeking, or the most economical option of a monthly subscription, allowing you to receive continuous guidance, maintenance and support without the commitment of a full package. See the options below.

No matter which option you choose, we're here to assist you every step of the way. Feel free to reach out to us for more information, and we'll help you select the best solution that suits your unique journey and preferences.

"My remote healing sessions with Jen have been powerful, intuitive and intriguing experiences. Her assessments of my physical symptoms connected to my mental and emotional energy resonated so deeply, I physically sensed when she had fully tuned it. 

If I did not experience it myself…. I wouldn’t have believed it was possible."


What to Expect

Personalized Guidance: Tailored sessions addressing your unique challenges and aspirations. Your first intake appointment will be dedicated to identifying and prioritizing your greatest needs.

Emotional Release: Let go of emotional blockages that create tension, headaches, and fatigue using tapping, sound therapy, acupressure, and somatic exercises.

Mindset Transformation: Discover and reframe thought patterns using NLP techniques and mindfulness practices, replacing negativity with positivity. 

Body Awareness: Tune into physical sensations for better stress and anxiety management, better posture, as well as alleviate physical pain. 

Practical Tools: Leave with actionable strategies to continue and maintain your transformation.

"Jen has an essence of comfort about her where you feel like you can totally let go and trust that she is going to take care of you. I feel lighter and less anxious after working with her. She's full of wisdom and truly wants to see people thrive in health and the practices she teaches."

"If you can sense it & feel it, you can change it."
-Thomas Hanna

"The swelling on the left side of my knee went down before she even finished the right side. My knee is like normal now."

Ryan R
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Coaching Agreement of Services

Coaching is a specialized art of holding solution focused conversations. Coaching supports a client being able to access insights and solutions from within themselves, moving themselves in positive, proactive and clearly defined actions that aids them in achieving their potential in the area of their goals and objectives.

This Coaching Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into according to the Date Stamp of submission of this form (“Effective Date”) between Jennifer Higgins ("The Coach") and The Client identified below. The Coach and The Client may be referred to collectively as the “Parties” or individually as a “Party.”

1. The Coaching Relationship
1.1 I, Jennifer Higgins ("The Coach"), completed my accredited professional coach training from InnerLifeSkills Coaching which subscribes to the International Coach Federation's Core Coaching competencies and ethics and standards of which it is a member.

1.2 The Client understands and agrees that the educational and/or coaching services ("Services") provided by The Coach do not involve the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association and that the Services are not to be used as a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, substance abuse treatment, or any other professional advice by legal, medical, or other qualified professionals. It is The Client's exclusive responsibility to seek independent professional guidance as needed.

2. Meetings
2.1 The Coach and The Client will schedule a series of meetings at mutually determined dates and times. All meetings for this Agreement must be scheduled within one (1) year of the Effective Date. Any unused meetings after the Effective Date shall expire.

2.2 Each one-on-one meeting is 60 minutes, except one-on-one educational meetings including but not limited to Enneagram Typing Sessions, which can be up to 90 minutes.

2.3 Meetings will be in-person at a predetermined and agreed location, or over the phone, or over the Internet, as mutually agreed upon. The Client is expected to call The Coach for phone or internet meetings unless otherwise arranged.

2.4 The Client and The Coach will make all reasonable efforts to be punctual and available for the meetings. Meetings that do not begin within 15 minutes of the mutually determined times shall be considered cancelled and fall under clause 3.

2.5 The Client is expected to take notes and may record the meetings for their personal use and reflection only. The Coach may record the meetings with the oral consent of The Client for training purposes which include but are not limited to: reflection, continuing education, and accreditation requirements.

3. Fees and Cancellation Policy
3.1 The one-off fee for Services is $333 USD for each new client, payable strictly in advance of the first meeting for this Agreement to The Coach via website or PayPal, unless otherwise arranged. Meetings of 2 or more people will be subject to additional fees and/or time commitment and require an addendum to this agreement. Package and subscription fees are determined at the point of sale.

3.2 In the event The Coach travels at The Client's request or travels to otherwise accommodate The Client, The Client shall be solely responsible for any and all travel expenses. Such travel expenses include but are not limited to: lodging, meals, airfare, cab and/or bus fare, and mileage billed at the standard mileage rate established by the Federal Government. If The Coach travels at The Client's request, The Coach, in her sole discretion, shall choose the method of transportation and accommodations.

3.3 Except in the case of illness or emergencies, a notice period of at least 24 hours is required by The Client or The Coach if either is unable to attend the meeting.

3.3 If The Client cancels a meeting with less than 24 hours notice for reasons other than illness or emergencies, The Client is liable for full payment of the meeting booked.

3.4 If the Coach cancels a meeting for reasons other than illness or emergencies, The Coach will replace the meeting for The Client at an agreed date and time, at no additional cost to The Client.

3.5 In the case of a service package, meetings purchased shall not expire. Unscheduled meetings shall not be eligible for a refund.

3.6 In the case of a monthly subscription, there shall be an allowance to pause payments once in a 180-day period for a maximum of 3 months. After such time, the Agreement shall be terminated and The Client shall be subjected to agreement changes upon re-subscribing.

4. Confidentiality
4.1 The Coach will maintain confidentiality to the extent permitted by law, unless The Client divulges information related to, or relevant to illegal activities.

4.2 The Client understands that the coach-client professional relationship is not privileged under law and that in the event of a legal trial, that information regarding the client could be subpoenaed.

4.3 The Coach will maintain The Client's anonymity if referring The Client's case to a mentor or fellow coach for the purposes of guidance and learning.

5. Limitations of Liability
5.1 The Client acknowledges that he/she is fully responsible for his/her own choices, actions, and results.

5.2 The Client agrees to hold The Coach and The Coach's business free from any and all liability for any consequences resulting directly or indirectly from the coaching meetings.

5.3 The Client agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless The Coach and its agents and employees from and against any and all liability, including all legal fees incurred in connection with claims for damages of any nature whatsoever arising from The Coach's performance or failure to perform.

5.4 The Coach shall not be liable for any damages, loss, cost or expenses, including incidental or consequential damages to The Client. If agreed, The Client's sole remedy against justified action against The Coach shall be in the form of a replacement cost for coaching services rendered.

6. No Assignment
The Client shall not assign the Agreement without the prior written consent of The Coach.

7. Contract Termination
7.1 Either party may terminate this contract at any time.

7.2 Notice of termination must be provided in writing via letter or email to the other party, with 10 days notice.

7.3 If The Coach is responsible for a reimbursement in excess of $100, The Coach shall reimburse The Client $50 each month until all monies are paid due.

7.4 Clauses 4, 5, 6, and 9 of this Agreement will survive this Agreement.

8. Marketing-Related Requests
8.1 The Client understands that if he/she is satisfied with the Services of The Coach, that The Coach may request that The Client provide a reference, and permit The Coach to add The Client to its list of client employers for marketing purposes.

9. Miscellaneous
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the Parties with regard to the coaching services agreement, and replaces and supersedes all other agreements or understandings, whether written or oral. No amendment or extension of this contract shall be binding unless in writing and signed by both Parties. The laws of the State of Tennessee shall govern all matters pertaining to any dispute between the Parties and/or any dispute arising out of this Agreement which was executed in Knoxville, Tennessee with venue to be laid exclusively with the state and federal courts located within Knox County, Tennessee. Any disagreement in connection herewith shall be finally settled by arbitration. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision.

*By submitting this Agreement, The Client acknowledges that The Client has read this Agreement and fully understands its terms and conditions. Any questions, issues, or concerns have been satisfactorily answered by The Coach. The Client further acknowledges that The Client has had the opportunity to have this Agreement reviewed by counsel.

© 2023 Powerhouse Life. All Rights Reserved
I agree

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    Starter Package - 4 Weekly Sessions ($333.00)$333.00
  • Preferred option
    2 Sessions per Month ($144.00/mo)$144.00/mo
  • Preferred option
    12 Sessions Package - Save $168 ($888.00)$888.00
  • Preferred option
    Single Follow-up Session ($88.00)$88.00
  • Total payment
  • Mind-Body Healing$0

All prices in USD

"I wanted to let you know that every single year for the last 5-6 years, Mother's Day has been a brutal day for me...with more heartache than I have been able to suppress most of the time. This year was so much different.  I did NOT feel overwhelmed with grief and pain. I did NOT feel like I needed to cry, not even once. I did NOT feel awful and like I wanted to just ignore/ get through the day as fast as possible. The main thing I felt was peace. I felt content and genuinely happy as I went through the day. It didn't suck the air from me or physically hurt my heart, like it has every other year. 

I wanted to be sure you knew how obvious it was to me that you are helping me heal in ways that I have never achieved on my healing journey before. THANK YOU!!"


2024 Powerhouse Life - UnBox University - @powercoachjen